Uni Low Cable Row

Uni Low Cable Row

Exercise of the Day

Uni Low Cable Row

Uni Low Cable Row

Uni Low Cable Row

Learning a new exercise doesn’t begin with how heavy of a weight I can use or with how fast I can get it done; it begins with practicing the proper form. That’s one thing I love about personal training-I’ve been doing certain exercises a certain way for years thinking I’m killing it and then I learn the proper form and I’m like, “Ohhhh, so that’s what its supposed to feel like”.

Today I practiced my uni low cable rows (that’s a one arm, one leg row using a low pulley). This video of me is great not only because I lose my balance (that happens a lot when I work out), but also because I want you all to see how I struggle to keep my chest out and my shoulders down. The reason I do that is because my body wants to pull with my arms, but your lats should be doing the work in this exercise, not your arms.

My not so pretty uni low cable row

Here’s Fadi showing me what its supposed to look like. Looks effortless, doesn’t it?

Fadi doing it the right way

I worked out for an hour at the gym this morning and it took me a good portion of that time to get this exercise right. So, when you get out to the gym today to show off your perfect uni low cable rows, concentrate on those lats and you’ll have a, “ohhhh, so that’s what its supposed to feel like” moment too! Enjoy, and to your health!



Do All Great Things Really Always Must Come To an End?

Do All Great Things Really Always Must Come To an End?

Healthy eating with Fadi Malouf. Body By Fadi Blog

Healthy eating with Fadi Malouf. Body By Fadi Blog

Early Saturday… cloudy morning…The rain is lazy caressing the windows and softly waltzing across them as it makes the effortless relaxing sound.

Aaaawww…, there is nothing more cozy than gently waking up to the mellow sound of fresh rain, occasional thunder, followed by the powerful yet radiantly amazing, shiny lightning.

What is for breakfast on this glory day of Saturday?

As many of you know how a tight team works, this team work is no different. Words are unnecessary and things just flow. It is like reading someone’s mind and knowing exactly what the next step is. Have you ever been a part of a team like that, where one thing flows after another, almost appearing as orchestrated in some secret mind language?

While she brews the superbly aromatic, fresh Turkish coffee, he is preparing the ingredients for the deer meatballs. He is chopping some parsley, mixing in the Himalayan salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and olive oil. Yum. “Feed Your Body Right” Scrambled Eggs is finally ready – Scrambled egg whites, fresh spinach, chopped delicious tomatoes with parsley, accompanied with black bean fresh avocado salsa. Mouthwatering …giving the body all the great energy to indulge in, while properly fueling it with vitamins, nutrients, protein and delicious flavor. To clean the palette off, fresh orange with California dates on the side. Dates can be dipped in the coffee, so there is no need for any additional sweetness…dates got this one covered and are doing their magic!  

Why Do All Great Things Really Always Must Come To An End? 

If the end is the abundance of health for our bodies, let the end be everyday! Let the wholesome food end up in our bodies and continues to do so without a pause… If the end is for a plate to be empty, appreciated, cleaned off, then the end is the beginning of something great, isn’t it? A great day! And a great healthy life. Enjoy!



Would you leave your spouse or partner, if she or he gained some extra pounds?

Would you leave your spouse or partner, if she or he gained some extra pounds?

Does “Love Conquers All”, as the famous saying states?

According to the recent two extensive studies it really depends on who answers this question Men or Women. A four year study was published in a Social Psychological & Personality Science Journal and it found that about half of the questioned men (48%) and only 20% of the women would leave their partner or spouse if they gained too much weight. Another source done through a 100,000 + men and women survey on askmen.com came through with pretty much similar results, about 50% of the men surveyed, and 19% of the women surveyed said they would exit the relationship, if their partner packed on some pounds.

Weight Gain and Relationships












Interesting data, isn’t’ it? The researches furthermore explained that the subjects through these studies supported their statements with the following explanation: “If the partner they were with gained noticeable weight, and became heavier then when they met, the initial connection would be jeopardized and quite possibly lost. They would feel less attracted to their spouse or partner and would attribute that to their lack of self-care, responsibility and possible laziness. ” This has definitely caused much controversy regarding the topic, and definitely stirred things up. If  the saying “love is blind” really is put to the test, then when we truly love someone it really shouldn’t matter if they gained weight or not? Should it? With the same analogy, people can meet someone and connect on a different, deeper level than just the physical appearance and may think of their partner as the “best, most attractive, most handsome person around”, whether that is a fact or not.  I recall back to my early adulthood years when I was training extensively and getting into a fitness and bodybuilding arena. I was very body conscious and started competing professionally, yet my love interest at the time was a girl who was size 12, believe it or not! I don’t remember perceiving or seeing her as a size 12, and to me she was the most beautiful girl at the time. Many people may be quite ordinary to others, but to us, they are “the best” as we fall in love with them. So how is it different when our partner changes physically throughout the relationship, does that mean that they change as a person too? And what happens to the saying “love is blind”, as it appears that “love” suddenly isn’t so blind after all?!

Tremendous or just noticeable weight gain affects numerous things. Our energy levels changes. Our personality changes as well. So when someone’s spouse/partner changes physically, do the dynamics between both people change as well? Of course they do and the research shows it doesn’t only have to do with the physical appearance. The spouse who gained weight is often perceived as they care less about themselves, they became lazy, complacent, and have lost their drive. What if they are dealing with a medical issue and their body is experiencing changes beyond their control? Would that change the perspective? According to the research, shockingly, very little! The subjects surveyed and observed stated that they would only consider staying with their partner if they saw a drive and a desire to change. If that drive was not there, they would simply leave their spouse.

It is not a secret that how we take care of our body and ourselves actually shows primarily physically. When we care and take the time to treat our body well, it shows everyday as our body is thankful and healthy. In return, we feel great, look great, have the energy, stamina, can concentrate better on work, different tasks and be around longer for our children, loved ones and ourselves.  So it is our total responsibility not just as an individuals, but a larger community to create a positive and nurturing environment for others to live better, look better and feel better. It is so important to share, educate and inspire one another to make our lives the best that they can be. And without the health and healthy, fit body that is hardly possible. 

The Top 10 Worst Foods For Your Body

The Top 10 Worst Foods For Your Body

A fit body and clear mind starts with a solid Nutrition Foundation.

So the question is: What Is Your Foundation?

Most Americans consume what is called the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). This SAD diet is composed mainly of processed foods, fast foods, high fat and high caloric but low nutrient dense foods.

The fact is that You are what you eat. Your body absorbs what you put into it and uses those absorbed nutrients to build and rebuild cells.
*There are over 60 Trillion Cells in your body.

*Cells are destroyed and replaced daily this process is called Hyperplasia and it occurs 24/7
*Within 7 years every organ in your body has been replaced.

So, what is the point?

Don’t Eat Processed Foods
Processed foods do not provide life giving nutrients and are in most cases considered dangerous for your body.

Focus on removing the worst offending and adding raw living foods and more energy and life will be given back to your body and mind. This list is the Top 10 Worst Foods for your body.
*Pork, luncheon meats, ham, pepperoni, hot dogs, bacon, sausage
*Dairy: Milk, creams, cheese & Yogurt
*Shellfish: oysters, scallops, clams, crabs
*Artificial sweeteners, Aspartame, Nutrasweet, Equal
*Hydrogenated & Partially Hydrogenated Oils
*Junk Food: cakes, candy, cola, fast food, potato chips & etc.
*Chlorinated / Fluorinated Water
*Excessive Alcohol
*Pasta and Bread
*Fried Food

In summary, Stop The Madness – You don’t need a diet program simply stop eating processed foods!

Eat REAL Food (vegetables, fruits, beans/lentils/legume/seeds and in smaller quantities grains and lean meats) and move your body and your life will change!

Stay tuned for future postings as we dig deeper to tell you why these foods are bad for you and to let you know what nutrients are best to build a fit strong body!

Coach Scott and the entire My Fitness Solution staff are here to help and walk side by side with you during every step of your journey.

Decide Today and Take Your Total Wellness Journey To The Next Level With Coach Scott and My Fitness Solution

You can find out more about Coach Scott Black and how we can help you by following these links:
Your Life… Coach Scott’s Advice! Now Choose Your Pace
Coach Scott’s Facebook
About Coach Scott Black

The Decision That Changes Everything

The Decision That Changes Everything

Finding your way to total health is similar to taking a new road trip. It first starts with a decision to go somewhere.

Once you have decided, then what’s next? In the case of your adventurous road trip it usually starts with either an old fashioned map or GPS to plot point A to point B. When this is done you will see each turn and how long it takes to get to your destination.

Now unfortunately, your wellness journey like the very road you travel can sometimes throw up roadblocks and detours no matter how well you plotted your course. This is usually when that wonderful and sometimes irritating GPS voice usually pipes up and states “rerouting”.

You may not have a GPS to help you decide when to reroute but your wellness journey is similar and can be rerouted when you hit a similar roadblock.

So how do we know when to reroute? Like all journeys it starts with a decision.

a) Decide to live a purpose filled life. Decide to make a change for the better. Decide to make changes that will improve the quality of life for you and for the world around you.
b) Decide on and create a “Road Map” and a goal plan to get you to that higher level of living. This should include a properly balanced plan for all 4 areas of your wellness journey (Body / Energy / Environment / Mind)

a) Commit to your plan and stick with it. (Remember that the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step and to reach the thousandth mile we must keep walking.)
b) Commit to a success partner / mentor / coach / accountability partner. (Partners can keep us motivated and on track even during the days we are feeling low and not motivated.)

a) Continually listen to your inner voice and listen to your body. Continually modify your goal plan and your “Road Map” based on how your body, your life energy and your mind is responding.
b) Modify your workouts, your eating plan and your spiritual walk as needed until you find the proper path that fits you. Then repeat steps 1 and 2 whenever you reach a plateau and feel stuck or whenever you are ready to establish new goals that will take you even higher!

Following these simple yet powerful steps will change your life forever!

Coach Scott and the entire My Fitness Solution staff are here to not only help you build these amazing life changing plans but to also walk side by side with you during every step of your journey.

Decide Today and Take Your Total Wellness Journey To The Next Level With Coach Scott and My Fitness Solution

You can find out more about Coach Scott Black and how we can help you by following these links:
Your Life… Coach Scott’s Advice! Now Choose Your Pace
Coach Scott’s Facebook
About Coach Scott Black
