Uni Low Cable Row
Exercise of the Day
Uni Low Cable Row
Learning a new exercise doesn’t begin with how heavy of a weight I can use or with how fast I can get it done; it begins with practicing the proper form. That’s one thing I love about personal training-I’ve been doing certain exercises a certain way for years thinking I’m killing it and then I learn the proper form and I’m like, “Ohhhh, so that’s what its supposed to feel like”.
Today I practiced my uni low cable rows (that’s a one arm, one leg row using a low pulley). This video of me is great not only because I lose my balance (that happens a lot when I work out), but also because I want you all to see how I struggle to keep my chest out and my shoulders down. The reason I do that is because my body wants to pull with my arms, but your lats should be doing the work in this exercise, not your arms.
My not so pretty uni low cable row
Here’s Fadi showing me what its supposed to look like. Looks effortless, doesn’t it?
I worked out for an hour at the gym this morning and it took me a good portion of that time to get this exercise right. So, when you get out to the gym today to show off your perfect uni low cable rows, concentrate on those lats and you’ll have a, “ohhhh, so that’s what its supposed to feel like” moment too! Enjoy, and to your health!
Incline Barbell Chest Press with Torn Pectoral
Incline Barbell Chest Press with Torn Pectoral
Natural Pro Bodybuilder Fadi Malouf performs an Incline Barbell Chest Press with a Torn Pectoral. He suggests using a wider grip with light weight to warm up to stretch the chest. As he increases the weight resistance his hand grip gets closer together avoiding stress on the pectoral tendon.
How can I exercise and work at the same time?
How can I exercise and work at the same time?
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Fadi Malouf