Starting Over

Starting Over

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by
change.” ~Jim Rohn

If I had two words to describe my life in the last year, they
would be ‘starting over.’ One year ago, I was recovering from an
emergency appendectomy. Before that, I had taken off a month
from work because of depression and anxiety. At that time, I
weighed about 240, but after the surgery, I was down to 220. I
was not exercising so obviously, the weight loss was due to
medical issues and not healthy means.

Still, I was 220. The last time I weighed 220 was in 2010. Then
I was a high school basketball coach. Although I was not eating
properly, I was active every day, all year long. In 2012, I
started a medicine and one of its side effects: weight gain. That is
when I weighed 240. Still, I was not eating properly and was not
being as active, but my weight was stable at 240. I was not
happy about that, yet, I did nothing about it. I accepted it
as a by-product of the medicine.

So I started buying larger clothes. I wanted to lose the weight
so I would try different gyms. I would walk around my
neighborhood, sometimes. I even tried to change my diet, at
times. Overall, I would try this and that but always ‘fall off
the proverbial wagon’ and always start over. I was missing the
discipline of consistency.

In 2015, I moved to Atlanta. I immediately joined LA Fitness but
soon canceled my membership. I went to a personal trainer but
he proved to be too expensive. I decided to walk around my
neighborhood but winter came. When spring showed up, I had lost
the desire. I even tried to change my eating habits but would
fall back into my old habits of eating quick and eating out. I
loved a daily hearty breakfast at Waffle House, just to give an

Along came 2016. By summer, I noticed a real change in my
clothes. My yearly physical alerted me to a weight gain. I was
250. I had never been that heavy. My physical also told me I was
pre-hypertensive and pre-diabetic. My doctor’s recommendation:
eat right and lose weight. Duh! Yet, it was easier said than

I tried again to eat right but feel back into my old habits. I
tried to be active but feel back into my old habits. It was not
until September that I realized I actually had fallen into a
deep depression. I took a month off from work. Then my surgery
and I took another two weeks off from work. By December 2016, I
weighed 225. I was content with that size but it was short

2017. I ate poorly. I look back on it and it was ridiculous.
Buttered toast. Wendy’s 4 for $4. Sonic. Zesto’s. You get the
point. I was not active at all although I have access to a
gym in my building. I just ate and ate. I have no reason why. I just
ate. By July, I weighed 265. I was officially a heavyweight. I
have never been so heavy. Although I became depressed, I wanted
to make changes. I researched and found Body By Fadi.
I met with Fadi and enjoyed his energy. He came across as more
of a teacher than a trainer. I could tell he was interested in my
well-being because of his passion for helping people get
healthy. I began his 52Fit Course Curriculum. I followed it for
a few weeks but I went back to work (my excuse).
In November, I am still the heaviest I have ever
been. Fadi reached out to me to see how he could help. I
realized I could not do this alone. On December 1, I met with
Fadi. We discussed my fitness and eating goals and how he can
help me achieve those goals. So guess what? I am starting over.
But this time, I have Fadi by my side. I will keep you posted on
my progress. I hope you’ll find inspiration in my journey.

Until next time,

Stay healthy my friends.

The Decision That Changes Everything

The Decision That Changes Everything

Finding your way to total health is similar to taking a new road trip. It first starts with a decision to go somewhere.

Once you have decided, then what’s next? In the case of your adventurous road trip it usually starts with either an old fashioned map or GPS to plot point A to point B. When this is done you will see each turn and how long it takes to get to your destination.

Now unfortunately, your wellness journey like the very road you travel can sometimes throw up roadblocks and detours no matter how well you plotted your course. This is usually when that wonderful and sometimes irritating GPS voice usually pipes up and states “rerouting”.

You may not have a GPS to help you decide when to reroute but your wellness journey is similar and can be rerouted when you hit a similar roadblock.

So how do we know when to reroute? Like all journeys it starts with a decision.

a) Decide to live a purpose filled life. Decide to make a change for the better. Decide to make changes that will improve the quality of life for you and for the world around you.
b) Decide on and create a “Road Map” and a goal plan to get you to that higher level of living. This should include a properly balanced plan for all 4 areas of your wellness journey (Body / Energy / Environment / Mind)

a) Commit to your plan and stick with it. (Remember that the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step and to reach the thousandth mile we must keep walking.)
b) Commit to a success partner / mentor / coach / accountability partner. (Partners can keep us motivated and on track even during the days we are feeling low and not motivated.)

a) Continually listen to your inner voice and listen to your body. Continually modify your goal plan and your “Road Map” based on how your body, your life energy and your mind is responding.
b) Modify your workouts, your eating plan and your spiritual walk as needed until you find the proper path that fits you. Then repeat steps 1 and 2 whenever you reach a plateau and feel stuck or whenever you are ready to establish new goals that will take you even higher!

Following these simple yet powerful steps will change your life forever!

Coach Scott and the entire My Fitness Solution staff are here to not only help you build these amazing life changing plans but to also walk side by side with you during every step of your journey.

Decide Today and Take Your Total Wellness Journey To The Next Level With Coach Scott and My Fitness Solution

You can find out more about Coach Scott Black and how we can help you by following these links:
Your Life… Coach Scott’s Advice! Now Choose Your Pace
Coach Scott’s Facebook
About Coach Scott Black
