Save The Bros, Yo!

Save The Bros, Yo!

We’re excited to announce that our very own Fadi Malouf is going to appear in the next Save The Bros video! If you haven’t seen the first one, check it out below and prepare to be warned about the potential collapse of the entire bro nation.

What is Save The Bros, you ask? It’s an initiative by Organic Valley to encourage all the gym rats of the world to stop pumping their bodies with “synthetic junk.” They make a protein shake called Organic Fuel that is made with all natural ingredients – including 26 grams of high-quality protein.  Good stuff.

So check out the video below for a good laugh. And if you’re a bro, take a minute to think about the toxins you may be putting in your body each time you chug a protein shake and check our Organic Fuel – if not for you, for the fate of bro nation as we know it.

Stay tuned for Fadi’s debut in the next campaign!



Uni Low Cable Row

Uni Low Cable Row

Exercise of the Day

Uni Low Cable Row

Uni Low Cable Row

Uni Low Cable Row

Learning a new exercise doesn’t begin with how heavy of a weight I can use or with how fast I can get it done; it begins with practicing the proper form. That’s one thing I love about personal training-I’ve been doing certain exercises a certain way for years thinking I’m killing it and then I learn the proper form and I’m like, “Ohhhh, so that’s what its supposed to feel like”.

Today I practiced my uni low cable rows (that’s a one arm, one leg row using a low pulley). This video of me is great not only because I lose my balance (that happens a lot when I work out), but also because I want you all to see how I struggle to keep my chest out and my shoulders down. The reason I do that is because my body wants to pull with my arms, but your lats should be doing the work in this exercise, not your arms.

My not so pretty uni low cable row

Here’s Fadi showing me what its supposed to look like. Looks effortless, doesn’t it?

Fadi doing it the right way

I worked out for an hour at the gym this morning and it took me a good portion of that time to get this exercise right. So, when you get out to the gym today to show off your perfect uni low cable rows, concentrate on those lats and you’ll have a, “ohhhh, so that’s what its supposed to feel like” moment too! Enjoy, and to your health!



The Top 8 Tips for Staying Fit During the Holidays

The Top 8 Tips for Staying Fit During the Holidays

What is Balance in regards of health and fitness?

What is Balance in regards of health and fitness?

Balance and coordination exist when the body is used for what it is designed for.

Exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga, pilates, bicycling, martial arts and bodybuilding all help to improve muscle coordination. Activities such as working at a desk, reading, and watching television do the opposite for the body. Without realizing it, most people have extreme stress in their muscles. This muscular tension contributes to muscle tightness, restricted movement, and joint pain. This occurs simply because they sit for many hours every day and do not perform regular exercises that will work to keep all of the muscles in their body in balance.

Aim for B.A.L.A.N.C.E.

Breath – Cardio & deep Breathing. Purpose is to increase the body’s ability to process oxygen at the cellular level.

Agua – The amount of water you consume daily. Purpose is to hydrate the body.

Lengthen – Stretching, yoga, chiropractic work. Purpose is to avoid impingement, keep the body aligned, increases blood flow to muscles.

Anaerobic Exercise – weight training or weight resistance. Purpose is to strengthen muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones. It also increases metabolism.

Nutrition and Supplementation – Food and vitamins. Purpose is to regulates metabolism, energy source, strengthens immune system and facilitates recuperation.

Cleansing – Fasting and colonic to cleans and regulate bowel movements. Purpose is to rid the body of toxins and toxic waste.

Energize – Sleep, meditation, massage, reading and affirming. Purpose is to reset your internal battery, and increase the mental awareness and strengthen the body.

Atlanta Personal Trainer

Fadi Malouf
