Body By Fadi Client Success Story Robin Tanis

Body By Fadi Client Success Story Robin Tanis

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Robin Tanis

    Who is Robin Tanis?


Hello gang this is Fadi Malouf of Body By Fadi  here to share with you an interview with one of my favorite clients, Robin Tanis.

The main objective with this is to highlight her success first of all, get some tips about her lifestyle, and how she was able to accomplish her goals. With a little bit of luck somebody will read this and they will be inspired to do the same thing for themselves.

    Robin stands 5 foot 3 inches tall and is 58 years young. She is a married mother of two, and grandmother of three with another on the way. She is Head Librarian at Saint Pius X Catholic High School here in Atlanta Georgia. With all the technology over the past 24 years she is finding more and more time in front of the computer and less time teaching. She started her fitness journey about ten years ago lifting weights but never really made any progress until about 4 years ago.


Enough is Enough…

“I finally said enough is enough. I was over 200 pounds. I found the book “Eat Clean Diet Recharged” by Tosca Reno.  It became  my bible, and how I started getting off processed food.”

When I asked her thoughts on if it was expensive for her to eliminate processed food (because there are many people out there say that it costs more to eat healthily)

Robin explained it like this ” Well yeah, but I think it is a wash. You’re buying more fresh one-ingredient foods which may be more expensive, I do buy very lean cuts of meat. But I am not buying bags of chips or soda pop or frozen dinners or anything like that. So I think it all evens out in the long run. Plus I never get sick, so I save on Doctor bills!”

Alright so I guess maybe a little bit more but you can save a lot on insurance. Best insurance policy out there!!

 Getting Help From Body By Fadi.   

She lost 55 pounds on her own by getting off processed foods, exercise (cardio and weight lifting), and counting calories. She first started going to Body By Fadi  in 2010. I was working with her to lose the last 15 pounds. She lost it rather quickly, then a series of misfortunes; her mom passing away and a back injury occurred. She stopped and got into bad habits and over that period she managed to gain that 15 lbs back. That’s when in February 2014 she came back to get going in the right direction again.

Hard Working Robin

Hard Working Robin

Robin explains, that since she came back she has been going to the gym every day.

      “I might take off one day a week.  I spend an hour a day doing cardio then I lift three days a week for an hour” however prior to that she explains ” I was doing at least five days at the gym, but never stopped lifting over the 10 years years. I have always been lifting”

 What is Your Secret Robin?

 “There is no secret just diet and exercise. It was not until I changed my diet that I started to lose weight. I have been dieting for years and years I was not losing the weight. Then something clicked. As soon as I made that lifestyle change with nutrition that’s when the weight started coming off. The book that resonated for me “Eat Clean Diet Recharged” by Tosca Reno I recommend to everyone. I always had it with me” she told me.

Her Biggest Takeaway.

Her biggest takeaway that she can share with others about the book is just to get off processed foods, eat real foods, and smaller, more frequent meals.  Pretty simple, right?

 Taking Care Of Others, Don’t Forget Yourself!

” I was overweight all my life. I was a grazer, being a mom and a wife I was taking care of everybody else and not taking care of myself”.

I work with a lot of moms; they are the people with the biggest heart and know what the key is to everybody else except yourself. The biggest heroes never go unrecognized. Me and the team at Body by Fadi thank you, and appreciate it. I know just with conversations I have had with my own mother about getting on a treadmill.

  Well  Worth The Investment?

” I had been spending six hundred dollars a month on training, which I have cut way back on, since my husband and I are preparing for retirement. It can get expensive, but it’s been worth it and I love it. I have cut back and am starting to take ownership of my training. When you start to own it, I think that’s the best thing. It’s a bigger commitment, because there’s nobody waiting for you at the gym. You HAVE to do it on your own. You must be self-motivating and the results are worth it”

Robin wants to go down another five pounds. She is very happy with the way her upper body looks but the lower body as she claims needs some work,

“I am going to work hard and do my best.” she told me

Did you think you could take off the 55 pounds originally?


Robin Making It happen

 “Once I got it going yes, most definitely. I like what I’m doing, I like what I am eating, and my exercise.  People comment on how disciplined I am, but I don’t see it that way,  it’s just what I do.”
Robin at the gym

Robin at the gym


As seen in this picture Robin’s top half is jacked up, arms, shoulders, chest, abs. She looks amazing,  her lower body looks great as well but not to her liking

Robin states. “I know I’m strong down there but I can’t see muscle”   She is heading in that direction.





What Does Robin Think of Fadi and Body By Fadi?

   ” What’s motivating for me is your enthusiasm and your knowledge. When I come down to see you every Monday at 6:30 in the morning, it’s good for me. You hold me accountable. It gets me pumped up for the week. That’s why I came back to you. You have the nutrition piece which I know is the key to the whole thing. You did it for me the first time, and you did for me again. I can tell that you care. It’s not just for me, it’s with everybody. You’re just up all the time you have a genuine caring attitude about everybody.”

Thank you Robin! That made me smile from ear to ear. You should see me when I am by myself I’m all depressed and eating bon- bons every day. LOL. But seriously, I appreciate that.

 Nutrition Guidance and Fitness Workouts.

 Robin and I  have not done much weight training together. I gave her a few custom routines back when she started up again. All we have done is tweaked her nutrition and give her some direction on what to do on her own in training. Robin says she feels like she could do more things on her own more than before, and that saves her a ton of money. I know people have said that it can be expensive, and if you work directly with me yes, it may get expensive but the new programs that the Body By Fadi team and I have created make it affordable for everyone to use.

Robin and Coach Scott Black..

Robin also likes talking nutrition with Coach Scott Black. “He is very responsive, very knowledgeable and he knows quite a bit on nutrition. Since February I drink a protein smoothie he recommended for breakfast every morning. He has a great book out called “Living In High Speed” that is full of delicious smoothie recipes.”

Food Preparation.

Robin feels another thing that leads to success is preparing your food ahead of time.  That way, you always have something in your refrigerator ready to go.

 “Typically on a Sunday I  spend maybe an hour or two doing what I call passive cooking. Get some chicken breast out. Put some seasoning on it throw it in the oven and walk away. Vegetables you can pre-cook. Meats I always have ready to go. I make an egg casserole for my second breakfast.”
homemade breakfast     I’ve seen some of those meals she posts on Facebook. They look fantastic. Often I get hungry and need to eat after I see them. She brings me a few treats when we meet on Monday mornings. Who can resist free healthy homemade food? Her day starts early in the morning, so she takes her smoothie along with her morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack .                                                                           


Robin and Tracking.


Robin is a pro at tracking. She calls herself obsessive compulsive about it. She uses the MyfitnessPal app. which is very easy to use, and she loves it.

For her, it’s more planning than tracking. She will plug in her food for the next day. She wants to make sure it fits her nutritional needs. Then she knows exactly where her nutrition stands and what she is eating the next day. Less stress. It’s all in there It helps her stay organized.



What’s Next?

Okay so Robin was up to 205lbs then lost 55 pounds on her own following the book ”Eat Clean Diet Recharged”.

So that that put you at a 155 pounds, and now you’re at 134.5. Whats next?

Robin said, “My next goal is 128, and I just finished talking with Scott.  He adjusted my calories and proteins and that’s the plan for now.”

She is on an 1150 calorie plan for now, however, we are working on upping that soon. And I am sure Robin is looking forward to that!

We have been carb cycling; three days high protein and the fourth day is high carb. Then we start the cycle again.

Why are you doing this?

“I was extremely motivated to get back to what I call my fighting weight, it’s not been hard really. When you see your weight and the inches come off it’s very motivating”

Making a Lifestyle Change..

There you have it gang. Robin Tanis losing an astonishing 70.5 pounds and six more to go which she hopes to reach soon. She does not set goal dates and explains why.

“I do not like to set goal dates because I never meet them. It’s not just about hitting the goal by a certain date. That’s part of it but in the long run you are making a lifestyle change. It’s not a diet that you’re going to go off and gain it all back. It’s something you can sustain for life.”

Moving Forward.

As long as we’re moving forward making changes we are all pretty happy with that. People think that it is just in the losing weight, but you’re losing body fat and you’re maintaining lean muscle mass. What I like to see is that a person is losing inches in the thighs and areas like that. That is a tell- tale sign that you’re losing body fat, not muscle. Also, you’re able to eat a little bit more. That’s what Robin and I are going to work on next: Getting her calories up, while sustaining and continuing to drop inches, and possibly weight, as well. That’s yet another sign when you’re able to eat a lot more without having to gain body fat.

Thank You Robin and Congratulations!!

Robin Now

Robin Now

Robin again thank you so much for sharing your journey, and we’re looking forward to you hitting your goal marker at 128. You are living the lifestyle, you are happy, and that makes me happy. Awesome job and congratulations!


 Celebrities Who Can Relate.

Along with Robin some celebrities have lost some major weight using diet, portion control, and exercise. Just to name a few Drew Carey(80 lbs), John Goodman (100lbs), Kelly Osbourne (50 lbs) Seth Rogen (30 lbs), Valerie Bertinelli (50 lbs), Mo’Nique (45 lbs) Al Roker (140 lbs), Ricki Lake (140 lbs) Nicey Nash (50 lbs). Of course, these are just some of the transformations that some celebrities have gone through. We congratulate all those who made the decision to live a healthier fit life.


The Healthy Benefits of Pears

The Healthy Benefits of Pears

Pears are in season! They are sweet, delicious and richly flavored pears offer the cPearsrunchiness of apples yet are as juicy as peaches and nectarines.

Pears are packed with health benefiting nutrients such as dietary fiber, anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins, which are necessary for optimum health.

Pears are a good source of dietary fiber and regular eating of this fruit may offer protection against colon cancer. Most of the fiber in them is non soluble polysaccharide (NSP), which functions as a good bulk laxative in the gut. Additionally, the gritty fiber content binds to cancer-causing toxins and chemicals in the colon, protecting its mucous membrane from contact with these compounds.

In addition, pear fruit is one of the very low calorie fruits, provides 58 calories per 100g. Just a few sections a day in the diet can bring significant reduction in weight and blood LDL cholesterol levels.

They contain good quantities of vitamin C. Fresh fruits provide about 7% of RDA per 100 g.

They are moderate sources of antioxidant flavonoids phyto-nutrients such as beta-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin. These compounds, along with vitamin C and A, help the body protected from harmful free radicals.

The fruit is a good source of minerals such as copper, iron, potassium, manganese and magnesium as well as B-complex vitamins such as folates, riboflavin and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6).

Although not well documented, pears are among the least allergenic of all fruits and are therefore recommended by health practitioners as a safe alternative in the preparation of food products for allergy sufferers.

Since several of the vitamins and minerals are concentrated in significant quantities just underneath the skin, pears should be eaten as a whole along with its skin to get maximum benefits. 

Here is a delicious recipe for a low-fat Pear and Spinach Salad.

This is a nice fall salad that makes use of wonderfully fragrant ripe pears. The hardest thing about making this pear and spinach salad is not eating the pears ahead of time. Feel free to add some slivered red onion or a half cup of sliced mushrooms or a tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese to this delicious salad to contrast the sweetness of the pears, raisins or cranberries.

 Ingredients:Pear and Spinach Salad photo 2

•1 10 ounce package baby spinach

•3 ripe Bartlett pears, peeled, cored and sliced

•1/2 cup raisins or dried cranberries

•1/4 cup chopped walnuts

•2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil

•3 tbsp white wine vinegar

•1 tbsp lemon juice

•Pinch of Himalayan salt (optional)


Wash and dry spinach and place in large bowl with pear slices. Sprinkle raisins and walnuts on top. Whisk oil, vinegar, lemon and salt and drizzle over salad.

Serves 4-6

Per Serving: Calories 164, Calories from Fat 46, Total Fat 5.2g (sat 0.5g), Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 39mg, Carbohydrate 26.6g, Fiber 3.8g, Protein 2.8g

Apricot Granola Bars

Apricot Granola Bars

Homemade Granola Bars For The Kids (Or You!)

Apricot Granola Bars

Apricot Granola Bars

Apricot Granola Bars

 The ultimate satisfaction is when I make something nutritious for my kids and they gobble it up and ask for more. I knew this would be a winner just by looking at the recipe; my kids were standing in front of the oven waiting for these babies to come out. I got the original recipe from Vanilla & Spice. I didn’t change much either, just the type of fruit I used , type of salt, and type of sweetener. These bars are chewy, crunchy, and sweet. Oh and they make the house smell divine!


1/2 c. raw almonds

1/4 c. dates, chopped

1/4 c. dried apricots (make sure there’s no sugar or sulfur added)

1 c. quick oats

2 tbsp. dry millet

1/4 c. mixed seeds (half pumpkin and half sunflower-unsalted)

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. pink himalayan salt

2 tbsp. ground flax seed

1/2 c. almond butter

2 ripe bananas, mashed

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 tbsp. honey (optional)*


Preheat oven to 350. Prepare an 8 x 8 pan by lining with parchment paper. Place almonds, dates, and apricots in a food processor until roughly chopped). Transfer to a bowl and add oats, millet, seeds, cinnamon, salt, and flax. Use a whisk to mix thoroughly. Place almond butter and mashed bananas together in a small bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. Stir. Microwave for 15 more seconds. Stir until smooth. Stir in the vanilla and honey. Pour wet mixture into the dry ingredients and stir with a rubber spatula until evenly coated. Pour mixture into prepared pan and press down firmly with spatula. Bake for 22-27 minutes, until edges are brown and top is firm to the touch. Cool completely, then slice into 8 bars.

*If I was making these for myself, I would leave the honey out to make them less sweet. Macros below include the recipe WITH the honey.

Macros per bar: 285k cals, 15.9g fat (1.1g sat, 3.2g poly, 6.1g mono), 31.7g carbs (6.9g fiber, 12.5g sugar), 8.3g protein, 62.2mg sodium, 205.2mg potassium


Vanilla & Spice – Healthy Treats and Vegetarian Eats

Fadi Malouf – Nutritionist and Personal Trainer



Blueberry Mango Smoothie

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

Drink Your Fruits and Veggies

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

I can’t believe I let the whole summer go by without posting a smoothie recipe. What was I thinking?! Well, better late than never. This one is worth the wait. There’s lots of fruit and veggies in this drink; along with healthy fats, anti-inflammatory and detox properties, and an energy boost. It’s so refreshing too. I’ve had one three days in a row and honestly, its been the highlight of my day. You might say I need to get a life if this drink is the highlight of my day or you may just need to try it yourself and see if it doesn’t have the same effect on you. For real, do it. Now.


1 c. unsweetened almond milk

1 c. kale, chopped and packed

2 c. spinach, packed

2 leaves romaine lettuce, chopped

1/2 lemon, peeled

1.5 c frozen blueberries

1 c. frozen mango chunks

15 g raw ginger

1/4 avocado


Using your food processor or blender (I have a Ninja), begin by adding the almond milk and the greens. Blend until liquid. Continue adding ingredients and blending along the way until you’ve added everything. Be sure not to overheat your machine; stop every little bit to give your machine a break and to scrape the sides. This makes two servings and looks even more appetizing in an adorable mason jar. Drink one immediately and share the other with a friend. Or do like I do, and save it for later by stashing it in the back of the refrigerator where nobody else will find it.

Macros per one out of two servings: 170k cals, 6.2g fat (.7g sat, .6g poly, 2.1g mono), 33.5g carbs (8.9g fiber, 19.2g sugar), 4.4g protein, 132.1mg sodium, 659.8mg potassium


Fadi Malouf – Nutritionist and Personal Trainer


Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Low-Calorie And Quick Salad

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

 Have you noticed a theme yet? If its quick and easy and if it can be turned into a salad, I’m all over it. Another salad creation here that’s perfect for summertime. And this is probably the easiest one yet, because some of the ingredients (dare I say it?) are canned. I don’t normally use canned ingredients, but sometimes you’re just in a hurry and its better than nothing (also better than falling prey to a fast food place). I just look for the no sodium/low sodium version of whatever it is I need. A lot of canned items have a ton of added salt. Why let someone else determine how you season your food? If its beans, I rinse really well before using. Enough about that, though, here’s your dinner for tonight and get ready for lots of pictures.


1 medium tomato, chopped

5 mini cucumbers (or 1 regular), sliced

1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped

1 medium avocado, chopped

1/2 of a small red onion, diced

1 container of low sodium albacore tuna

1 can of garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

1 tsp. evoo

1 tsp. balsamic vinegar

dash of black pepper

1/4 c. fresh cilantro, chopped


In a bowl, mix together tomatoes, cucumber, red bell pepper, avocado, and red onion.

chickpea_salad_1 chickpea_salad_2 chickpea_salad_3


Add the tuna and garbanzo beans. Stir to combine. Then drizzle with evoo and balsamic vinegar. Add pepper and toss to coat.


Finally, top with cilantro and you’re done! Enjoy!



Macros per one out of four servings: 233k cals, 9.3g fat (1.1g sat, .9g poly, 5g mono), 29.9g carbs (9.4g fiber, 5.5g sugar), 16g protein, 12.5mg cholesterol, 357.4mg sodium, 478.3mg potassium


Tania Funduk – Food and Fitness Guru

Fadi Malouf – Nutritionist and Personal Trainer
