by SA Brown | Feb 6, 2018 | Blog, Body By Fadi
We like the path of least resistance. If there is a way to make it more convenient we’ll take it. It’s the reason why Netflix, UberEats, and Amazon have revolutionized their industries. How can we make fat loss easy on ourselves: Get rid of the temptations!
Get your game face on! Go through your kitchen and throw out ALL the junk. Part of beating your temptations is to change your environment. It is way easier to control your environment than your cravings.
I won’t bore you with a long list here. You know what tempts you and calls your name late at night. Take a stand right now so you won’t be tempted later.
I’ve heard that it is 10 times easier to simply change your environment than change your habits.
Once you fill your environment with healthy foods it becomes that much easier to make healthy choices.
by SA Brown | Jan 7, 2018 | Atlanta Personal Trainer, Blog, Body By Fadi, Uncategorized
“The key to getting ahead is getting started.” Mark Twain
I am on Day 7 of my 21 Day Challenge of walking 30 minutes. One thing I have learned so far is that my mind wants to do it. Every morning, I wake up and tell myself ‘just do it.’ It’s only thirty minutes.
The physical side of me does not want to do it. Every morning, I wake up and tell myself ‘just sleep a few more minutes.’ I could have thirty more minutes of sleep before starting my work day.
The struggle is real between my higher self and lower self. I want to walk everyday, just like I promised myself. I even have co-workers who have chosen to do the challenge with me. When they send text messages about their workouts, it motivates me to do the same.
When I finally go downstairs, I constantly talk to myself. Encouraging myself. Telling myself I can do this. Reminding myself how many minutes I have completed and how many minutes I have left. The feeling of accomplishment once I have completed my thirty minutes. I still have to remind myself to ‘just do it.’
Getting started is the real struggle, but every morning, I still tell myself to ‘just do it.’ Once I get going, I have already done the hard part. I have gotten up earlier than I have been, gotten dressed, and gone downstairs to the treadmill. As long as I get started, I can ‘just do it.’
Until next time,
Stay healthy, my friends
by Fadi Malouf | Oct 18, 2012 | Exercise
Roll Up
The Roll Up is a great exercise for strengthening the abdominal, oblique and hip flexor muscles. It has even been shown to be more effective than regular crunches.
It’s great for teaching upper body control and spine articulations in both the up and down phases. It can also provide a great stretch for the back, hamstring and calf muscles.
Proper execution requires rounding of the spine while also keeping the chin tucked. Controlled breathing is essential for a smoother, fluid motion.
Roll Up
1 – Lie flat on your back with your legs straight and your arms stretched out overhead.
2 – Raise your arms followed by your head, rolling up along the spine, drawing your navel in as you come up.
3 – Continue rolling forward, reach past your feet.
• Reverse the movement rolling back down.