This is a workout that uses multiple muscles with every exercise! It’s important to mix up your workouts from time to time with a full body workout instead of focusing on the same muscle groups every other day. It made our team really sore which means it works! We’d love to know what you think about it! Check it out below and let us know your thoughts.

Warm Up: 5 minutes of cardio
Time: 45 minutes
Two repetitions per set

Set 1

Standing Side Crunches
Reps: 25 per side
Tips & Tricks: Stand with your feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent and the core engaged. Lift the right leg, bending the knee at a 90-degree angle turning the thigh out to the side. Place hands lightly behind head, elbows out. Crunch your right elbow to the right knee.

Incline Sit Ups
Equipment: Find an incline bench. This exercise will work best if you have a support bar under which to hook your feet as well.
Reps: 20 per set
Tips & Tricks: Lie down so that your upper body is facing downhill. Place your hands behind your neck or on the side of your neck. Make sure your abs stay tightened. You should rise up until your entire back is off the bench and lower back down until your shoulders touch the bench.

Set 2

Reverse Pull-Up / Reverse Chin-Up
Equipment: Pull up bar
Reps: 15 per set
Tips & Tricks: Inhale and pull the chest to the bar, keeping the body upright and puffing out the chest. The elbows should be pointing more-or-less forward (can use a stool or chair to make easier)

Bench Bridge/Hip Lifts
Equipment: Bench
Reps: 25 per set
Tips & Tricks: Lie on your back with your heels on the bench. Lift your hips to be parallel with the rest of your body and lower them to the ground, focusing on your glute muscles throughout.

Set 3

Opposite Arm Opposite Leg Extensions
Equipment: Bench
Reps: 25 per side
Tips & Tricks: Position yourself on your hands and knees on the bench. Slowly extend one arm and the opposite leg and lower. Repeat with the other arm and opposite leg.

Push Ups on Bench
Equipment: Bench
Reps: 15 per set
Tips & Tricks: Position hands parallel with elbows on bench, keep body in a straight line while lifting and lowering.

We’d love to know what you think about this and all of our other blogs!
