I found hope

Today I found hope. I am a Truck Driver that does long haul. There are pros and cons to driving a truck. The pros are seeing our beautiful country and getting paid to do it. Meeting new people and knowing that what I delivered is needed by them. I have hauled many different commodities, from cattle to military vehicles, bridge forms, JetA fuel to fill helicopters that fight wild fires burning in the mid-west. The cons are being gone from home for weeks sometimes months, missing my family, friends and my horses. Another downside is the lack of keeping in shape. I have gained weight and my journey starts today in loosing the unwanted pounds with that I have gained from holding a steering wheel over the last 4 years. My goal is to loose 20lbs over the next 10 weeks. I realize that I will have challenges but without the challenges given to us how will we become stronger.

Today I will start making changes with the help of my friend Fadi and his associates.

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